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Anonymous Student Evaluations
Loved the enthusiasm and knowledge of Michelle and her personal stories working in the field. The topics were interesting and gave a good understanding of the reasons/consequences/factors etc., that go into RM. The case studies and readings were interesting and helped understand course concepts. The assignments gave some room for creativity and were different that regular reports and the tests were fair. Really enjoyed this course! And I am even more interested in RM as a future career now!!
Was very friendly and created a safe and welcoming environment for students.
Instructor Anagnostou, was very passionate about each lecture. Throughout the entire semester, she came to each class ready to teach. Everyone could tell she really loved and was interested in the work and content of the course.
Amazing teaching! Instructor Anagnostou made the course very interesting and not boring. She included lots of components into the course, specifically requested by the students through her "Species of the Day" sector before each lecture. This was the time where she connected a students favorite animal to resource management. It was awesome.
Michelle was so enthusiastic during every lecture and made the course super interesting solely from her passion for the content!
Instructor Anagnostou was very good at communicating the course content in a clear and concise manner. The course concepts were easy to understand and grasp.
Instructor Anagnostou knew a lot about resource management, it was very clear that she was educated in the field.
Michelle did an amazing job with the structure and presentation of the course. The information was easy to digest because of how well she explained certain concepts and the learning tools utilized. It's also very motivating when you can tell the professor is excited and passionate about the material! Overall great, and I learned new concepts to resource management.
I like how passionate the instructor is and how much knowledge and experience she brings to the course contents. The topics are interesting and the case studies are super cool to learn about, it brings all the contents into perspective well. Also really like the species of the day and the de stress corner as these are just interesting and relaxed ways to learn something new.
The only course I actually liked this term. She tried to make the lecture content enjoyable, interesting, and professional. She actually put effort into her course!
Amazing job. I would take another course from her again.
Even though this was Ms. Anagnostou's first time teaching a course, she did an amazing job! She was professional, and tried to involve us as much as possible with different topics of resource management (Including our input for "the species of the day", and the de-stress corner). She was an instructor who understood what it was like to be a student. Adding in jokes made the lectures enjoyable, and I believe that the course was well structured. I hope she teaches more courses in the future!
Teacher's enthusiasm and interest in helping students. Professor also gave very quick and timely responses, showing effort and care for students. The professor understand her students well: little policies like no need for sick notes make life easier when things go downhill and one does get sick. It shows the professor cares more about respect and making sure student is learning. Student survey results and favorite species were also incorporated well. I like how assignments can be completed at my own pace. I liked the variety of materials used, like documentaries, reading, stories.
There needs to be a 2nd part to this course, so we can take more of it...
I loved to choose my own topic for assignments, the prof was super helpful and caring for students. I was comfortable asking questions which helped me do better on assignments.
The professor is very knowledgeable;
The course material is clear, concise, and well organized;
Assignments are interesting and fun to write.
Absolutely loved having an instructor that is so passionate about the course content!
Went to office hours once. Was very helpful.
I loved the species of the day. I found it super interesting to be able to sit down and solely listen to this section of each lecture as it was not particularly course content or testable material. Michelle's enthusiasm and passion in each lecture made it that much easier to listen learn and be engaged with the course content. I found the lectures to be very informative and overall interesting which made it that much easier to learn! Overall, one of my favourite courses and I believe that is very much to do with the professor!
Good number of assignments, good study help, grading was fair, instructor was engaging. It was the only course I enjoyed this term.
I really enjoyed learning more in-depth about resource management. The content in this course has helped me to apply it to other similar courses.
Brilliant course. The professor is doing great for being so young. great career ahead. Really relatable and easy to understand with the course content. Presented in a great way, always easy to communicate with and very fair about assignments. I personally love the 4x 25% assignments, especially for online learning. I would say keep as close as you can to this format for all your courses if possible. Thanks for the great education.
Michelle's passion for wildlife trade made me interested in the topic despite it not being in my research interest.
I love how engaging Michelle is as a prof! She is so lovely and approachable. You make the course interesting and it makes students feel eager to learn.
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